About Simple Foundry

Established in 2023, we're keen to make life easier, simpler, and better for businesses and their people.

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Out Story - Saasplex X Webflow TemplateAbout Image - Saasplex X Webflow Template
About Image - Saasplex X Webflow TemplateOur Story - Saasplex X Webflow Template

Automations complete

From implemented processes across the world.


Events per month

Between virtual and physical events, accessible for all.


Money saved

For clients implementing Simple Foundry solutions.


Team members

Every business has to start somewhere, with someone!

A great story always starts with passionate people

Simple Foundry's story started with Peter Jenkins, his passion for solving problems for people, at every level of their business drove him to want to do more with the skills and knowledge he'd gathered and implemented over the years. With nearly 10 years of experience in identifying and solving simple to complex problems, and with a healthy obsession about all things tech, Peter started Simple Foundry after finishing as Head of Safety in Stagecoach.

About SaaS - Saasplex X Webflow Template

Our mission is to empower your world through digitisation and automation

Simple Foundry's mission is incredibly simple. Make your business, your people, and your processes as engaging and successful as possible.

This mission has seen Simple Foundry staff win multiple awards (industry, sector, & nationwide), and gain national recognition in their field for their contributions.

Our vision is to support growth of businesses and their people through better inputs, outputs, and outcomes

Our values

The values that drive everything we do

Keep it simple

Plain language, easy to understand lessons & consultancy, effective and value-adding digital solutions that work for all, from frontline to boardroom.

Better, better, best

Support people step-by-step to improve their business. Help them achieve best practice through their digitised and automated processes.

Know, measure, improve

"You can't improve what you don't measure, and you don't measure what you don't know". We work together to start with the unknowns, and solve them.

People with processes

We prioritise our relationships to find out your needs, supporting you and your businesses at every step of your digitisation and automation journey.

Agile innovation

Micro-experiment to drive efficiency. Be reasoned and bold to explore how new solutions can empower our clients, consider their size or complexity.

Rubik's Principle

Take a ‘Rubik’s Cube’ approach to problem solving; integrate solutions with other functions/challenges/context to deliver effective & sustainable outcomes.

Our team

The amazing team behind Simple Foundry

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