Consultancy Services

With years of combined experience, Simple Foundry Facilitators provide bespoke advice, support, and activities that will help you simplify, digitise, and automate your processes. Creating sustainable, value-adding, and impactful outcomes - delivered by real people.

Digital Tools

Design & implement in-house management systems

Digital foundations

Helping you build the basic (interactive, responsive, and GDPR compliant) frameworks of your digital management systems.

Gap analysis

Completing a gap analysis to help you make sense of your paper-based documents/processes. Providing support and help for your needs.

Key stakeholders

Our expert facilitators will engage your key stakeholders from boardroom to frontline, ensuring that your digital management system isn't isolated.

Building Workflows

Taking & digitising your existing processes

Prioritise outcomes

We aim to deliver outcomes, not just outputs. We want to make sure that your digitised processes work as intended, and better than before.

More than recycle

Interlinking your processes with your wider management system. Not just recycling the same paper form to a digital format, in isolation.

Deliver best practice

Simple Foundry is built on the tenacity that comes with empowerment. We deliver global best practice at a scale that's effective for your business needs

Training & Support

On-going support & training (in-house & virtual)

No complexity

The clue's in our name. By using practical and easy-to-follow examples. Our training can be tailored to your level of technical knowledge.

Virtual or in-person

Our facilitators have years of face-to-face experience. We will deliver training in the most value-adding way for you, your team, and your business.

Step-by-step support

We're here for you. As you progress and grow your business and your needs change, our expert facilitators will be here, every step of the way.

Ready to get started?
Contact us today

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