What's on our horizon

(Coming soon)

Scroll down for a look at what we have coming next

We can't possibly talk about our values of innovation if we're not innovating ourselves. That's why we have fantastic new features launching soon on our Simple Foundry website and across our plans.

More courses

We're just getting started with our 'introduction to' series of courses. Through Q4 2023 we are working hard on our new courses and microlessons, which will focus on exploring integrations in more detail, AI tools, and a number of 'microlessons' on tips & tricks.

Function-based templates

We'll be expanding our Forms, 'Flow', and Email template database around functional categories. E.g. Health and Safety, Food Safety, Quality, Security, HR, Supply Chain (inc. Warehousing), and more. If you have an idea for a template that you'd like to see, let us know!

Community platform

We're here to share best practice with you. Purchasing any of of plans will give you access to a dedicated, private, LinkedIn Group where we'll be sharing exclusive insights, information, tips and tricks related to digitisation and automation of processes and management systems.

Digital & physical events

We're a business that focuses on digital solutions for people. Events that combine digital and physical opportunities are in our DNA, and as we grow and progress, these will become a big part of what we offer.

Can't wait to get started?

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