

Use specific YouTube connectors to support video searches and uploads. Unlock huge potential when combined with other integrations.


About YouTube Integration

YouTube allows billions of people to discover, watch and share videos. In order to use this integration with Microsoft, you'll need to have an associated Google Account.

Dependent on what your automation requirements are, you might find that the YouTube integration works best when combined with other integrations (e.g. Teams, Slack, OneNote, etc.). Examples of who it can help are below:

  • Marketing - Get an easily digestible breakdown of a competitors video, as soon as it's uploaded.
  • Marketing - Link the X connector and automatically tweet videos as soon as they're uploaded to your channel
  • Operations - Understand the cadence of content releases from competitors and aspirational comparators.

How do I get this integration to do what I want?

Reach out to us and let us know what you'd like to do with YouTube, and we'll see how we can help.

What Simple Foundry can do for you

As you might know, we run courses and we have consultancy options that you can engage with. It couldn't be easier to get bespoke support for yourself, your team, or your business.

Make sure you've checked out our courses on social media, and see just how easy it is to connect all of your favourite integrations to your existing Microsoft systems!

Otherwise, click the button below to complete our contact form, and we'll be in touch soon.

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